A couple pyrite peices
Monday, November 20, 2017 - 09:18
Art Type:
A couple of Pyrite peices one in silver one in red. And if you like my work please support me buy using Flattr.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You may use these any way you wish. However please give credit where credit is due if used commercially, and please let me know if you use my art in one of your games I would love to play it!

Very nice! Simple & beautiful.
Thank you for the kind words!
Love your work! I am making a basic game for a coding project and I landed on multiple of your designs when searhcing up different things. I tried to look up your Flattr too but I have unable to figure out how it works or where to find ya.. If you happen to see this, feel free to let me know! Also happy thanksgiving if you read this today.